Elite Business System

How to Build a step-by-step “Online” system that’ll put your business on autopilot in the quickest, easiest path possible…

…if that’s something that tickles your fancy – then read on…


       But before I explain how to join the top 10% of elite businesses in your niche.

I have a few important questions for you – think carefully before answering them…


  • Are you willing to set aside the time to become an elite online business owner?Taking Action
  • If I were to show you how you could become one of the world’s top internet business owners (like me), would you be interested?
  • Starting a business on your own can become overwhelming – but if I were to show you a way to work smarter systematically (doing less and being more productive), would that be of interest?
  • Even if you’ve little or no spare cash – do you want to know how to reach the corridors of power still?
  • How expensive is it not to take action now (would it leave you with a lifetime of regret)?
  • Motivation starts with commitment. Do you think it’s better to have like-minded people around you to help you on your journey?


If you’ve answered yes to the above, read on because I’ve got a surprise for you.

Not yet, though…

Because there’s a true story I have to share with you about having the right mind “set” and why this is critical to your future success…

The misdirection of “Genius.”

And the sleight of hand preventing you from joining the elite players on the planet.


Let’s be frank.

Most “top” worldwide learning institutions are aware of cognitive RE-framing. And have obscured the importance of that one little switch.

Until Now!

Here’s an example of the “switch.

” A true story about Thomas Eva Edison – An American inventor and businessman who eventually became known as the Wizard of Menlo Park

Thomas was different from others at his school and, at the end of a hard day, came home and gave his mother a slip of paper.


Looking concerned, she asked what it was…

Thomas explained the slip was given to him by one of his teachers, who’d instructed him to deliver it to his mother.

On reading the letter, his mother’s eyes filled with tears…

Doting on her, he asked what the matter was. She continued by reading the letter aloud.

“Your son is a genius! And this school is too small for him. We don’t have enough resources and good teachers to train him. Please teach him yourself”.

Many years later, after his mother passed – The wizard rooted away in the loft of his family home… and he stumbled across the old slip of paper.

Unfolding it, he read aloud…

“Your son is mentally ill, and we’re not allowing him into school anymore.”

After making the connection, Thomas Edison’s heart felt like it had been ripped from his chest and stamped on a thousand times.

He broke down and sobbed for what felt like an age, but later, after composing himself… wrote in his diary…

 “Thomas Alva Edison was an addled (mentally ill) child that, having been brought up by a hero mother, became the genius of the century.”

 Note: Given the proper mental “framework,” your potential is limitless

 Thomas was known to have said of his failures…

“I haven’t failed a thousand times… I’ve realized a thousand ways solutions aren’t appropriate.”

Listen… there are specific techniques to shortcut the “genius” path,

Do you want to know what they are?

Read on, and I’ll show you, but before I do, have a look at this page >About ME<

 The Fear of Change.


A typical routine with most humans is we become set in our ways.

In other words, we unknowingly set up loops or habits in our behavior. (Think of Groundhog day)

Have a look at the “stoop test.” And be amazed.

These routines become “who” we (mistakenly) think we are. And so, identify with and attach specific labels/concepts to those thoughts. (Keep in mind the truism, the “map” isn’t reality)

It’s JUST a map…

EG: I don’t like making speeches in front of people because I’m an “introvert.”

Bare with me because this is important and forms the basis for what is created going forward. YOU’RE NOT who you think you are!

There, said it. Controversial, I know, but allow me to prove it later on. Just make sure you stay with me and don’t drift off because I will completely change your worldview…

Discover a New Way Forward.

Dive into streamofmoney.com, and you’ll not only find a mountain of knowledge to push you forward in life. But also many “secrets” altering and changing how you experience the world around you for the better.


Stream of Money is structured in a similar way to Wikipedia. Most of the links are internal (which means: every link you click on is relevant to whatever you’re reading and will enhance your knowledge at every step, catapulting your success to places you’ve never thought possible.

Smash Through Your Limits

Breakthrough any mental blocks that seem to hinder your progress in life. And build your success from the inside out. First “BE,” then BEcome.”

Tip: Like a stream of water overcoming obstacles. Always finding the path of least resistance. And never compromise your future success with “imagined” hurdles.

Stream Of Money

The Stream is a constant flow—Merriam’s definition: a smooth, uninterrupted movement or progress.

And Money is something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.

So, the site is defined as “A movement of ideas to Create Value.”

let it be

I’m Alive!

When learning from other sources about blogging, making money, and building websites, I’ve noticed that it can sometimes become overwhelming.

The amount of information you’ll uncover is mind-boggling.

So I’ve pledged to speed up the process for you as much as possible (To Build your Bridge to Wealth). And suggest specific tools you may need on the way (to help the flow).

Remember… it’s much better to share your ideas (So I can help you execute them).

And as you progress through the site, make sure you take notes on anything you find useful… not forgetting to take action.

Improving the plan, you’re building for a more successful adventure.

Dive in and join me, have fun (and secure your future).

When the Student is Ready – the master will appear…

letting go

Here’s a great quote:

No stream rises higher than its source. I learned that whatever I might build could never express more than I was. I could create neither more nor less than I had learned of life when building the buildings. And so it is true of any endeavor we undertake. To do more, we must first become more.Frank Lloyd Wright

And as you progress through this site, not only will I show you how to make streams of money. But also…

How to turn the streams into rivers that will build upon themselves naturally and form rapids of Wealth.

So remember, a drip forms a trickle that turns into a stream and builds into torrents of everlasting rivers of Wealth. (This is the “Reality” of what I’m about to share with you). So, take action.

Yours Cordially,


Make sure you leave comments so we can share stories.


PS;  I almost forgot, here’s a link to my secret mentor, but don’t click on it just yet. Have a stroll around this site and make a point to get to grips with some of the “Secrets”…

I’m here to speed up your processes so that you can make better use of YOUR time.

Here’s what some folk think of streamofmoney.com so far!…



Thank you for the empowering words. I almost lost my enthusiasm for online marketing after losing thousands of dollars, good thing I stumbled upon this empowering blog post of yours about online marketing. I think this has helped me regain my enthusiasm.


Dear Dedo,

This is a terrific site that I have found today. It's beneficial to me as I am in the early stages of planning to set up an online business. Thank you.

Best Regards



Thanks for a very heartfelt article Dedo! I love anything to do with mindfulness, mindset, self-awareness and meditation. Someone said to me a few years ago that it’s not that we don’t have time, it’s that we don’t make time, because we always make time for things that a priority!

Lee McQueen

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