SEO Page Optimisation Checklist

Reality V’s Myth

To optimise your page rankings, you first have to understand the basics of SEO, and it’s many myths.
Use the Checklist; don’t abuse it.

The User Experience

Pandu Nayak has worked at Google for over 14 years and states: “One kind of primary thing that has not changed, in those 14 years, which I value tremendously, is this idea that we built “search” for users, we built search because people come to Google for things that matter in their lives.”


..So, what he’s saying (and he’s a computer scientist), is that the only objective for SEO is to make the user experience as efficient as possible, (it doesn’t mean gaming the system with SEO strategies).

SEO Checklist – Write Relevant Content

If you search “SEO checklist”, you’ll come up with a mountain of tasks to perform. And these tasks will sap your time like a 20-year coma. Also, when Google improves their algorithm every year. You will have to keep “catching up”. So here’s a little trick that has passed by so many SEO experts. Are you ready?

Listen to Your Readers

Re-read what Pandu stated: We built search because people come to Google for things “that MATTER in THEIR lives”. If you write content with the sole purpose to answer the questions people are searching for. Google will find a way to connect you.

Why are you reading this article?

More than likely, you want to optimise the traffic coming to your site (without paying for ads). And the more traffic you attract to your online space, the more successful you’ll become, (Monetarily). So make sure you uncover the wants and desires of your audience. There are many ways to do this, and here are some of the best methods:

  1. Be specific in what desires or wants your readers are searching for.
  2. Go to the relevant forum to discover their thoughts and concerns.
  3. Hang out in specific facebook groups
  4. Search Quora
  5. Read specific reviews.



Have you noticed I’ve used the word “specifics” quite often?  As you may have guessed by now, it’s the key to condensing exactly “who” your target market is.

It wouldn’t serve your clients/customers very well if you didn’t know everything you could about them. Their likes, dislikes, where they grew up, what culture they learnt their traditions etc. So why do so many people do precisely that?

Surely it must be naivety on their part. I mean,… they wouldn’t purposely “not” help a friend in need. Most people “unfortunately” don’t treat their customers/clients as friends. They see them as $ signs, which could be the main reason folk struggle to share value on a mutual level, (succeed in business).

Googles Master Plan

Google is a number 10 to the hundredth power, (which is one followed by 100 zeros). Which is larger than all the elementary particles in the known universe. So basically it’s a freakin’ BIG number.

Google aims to learn the wants and desires of the entire planets “human population, and then facilitate those urges the best way they can. In essence, being the numero uno middle man. Which reminds me of a quote from a film titled “layer cake”.


quote: The art of good business is being a good middleman

So,… make an effort to “not” get too sucked up in the idea of SEO as it’s presented. Learn what I’m suggesting here, and write or perform for your readers/watchers. Because as sure as night follows day?, Google will eventually perfect their algorithms to satisfy the end-user.

Irony (Stating the Opposite)

What you see happening is people following SEO strategies, (which is useful). But they will eventually find themselves embroiled in the jargon, which in turn manifests into a belief, and on it goes.

The advantage of reading posts like this one is you can learn and fine-tune your information to exactly fit the wants and desires of your particular audience. And Google will catch up with you, (not the other way around), make sense?

Tip: Make sure you always write for your readers, “NOT Search engines”.

Top Tip

Go to Google, punch in “list of top SEO tasks”. Then look at the list and make an effort to think from the searchers perspective. What are people looking for?

When you discover (with a bit of research), what exactly folk are searching, you can fill their needs. It’s as simple as that. Okay, it’s not simple, but with a bit of practise (like anything), it soon will be.

So there you go, a distinct method in taking action with SEO strategies.

through the looking glass

Look “Not at the mirror”, but behind it. When you look into the mirror, all you see is yourself. The harsh truth is, most people have no interest in YOU, only what’s in it for them. So make sure you learn all about your “new” best friends and provide them with what they want.

I’m not saying that with tongue in cheek, you have to mean it. Research who you’re communicating with. This is what separates the wheat from the chaff.

Provide the best service you can.

Now that you have this knowledge go out and take action. It’s the only thing stopping you reaching your full potential — all the best to you and yours.


All the Best, Dedo

P.S List all the SEO strategies you can find, and look at it with new eyes. You’ll be amazed what you see.

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So, only click if you want in !

12 thoughts on “SEO Page Optimisation Checklist”

  1. This has been the biggest problem of online entrepreneurs; the issue of optimisation the meat to attract visitors; visitors converted equals $$$… As a beginner, I don’t joke with articles and guides like this. So I want to say thank you for sharing this checklist for SEO page optimisation.

    It is not enough to get website visitors, and relevant contents can keep these visitors and probably convert them. I have pressed the back button on several websites because their materials are not related to what I searched for and perhaps confusing too.

    Feedback is a rocket to success. I don’t joke with feedback on my website overall look and the way I write contents. This is a core part of success; it is crucial to hear what the users have to say.

    I have learnt so much from this article. Thanks for sharing.

    • Mr Biizy,

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this important topic. And I’m glad you’ve gleaned some helpful ideas to catapult your business into the stratosphere. (which they will if you apply them).

      Be sure to keep coming back to and learn more ways to increase your success. All the best.



  2. Great article on SEO Dedo. I appreciate your straightforward messaging: “most people have no interest in YOU, only what’s in it for them”. It’s true; it’s human nature, and not considered nearly enough in business models of all sorts, even in the largest of enterprises. I do require a laser-like focus from behind the mirror as you say or looking from the outside-in.

    I do strongly agree with the statement “write for your readers – not for search engines”. Keywords are or where I suppose at one point, the key to “working with search engines”, but I believe that “relevant, high-quality content is king” in terms of Google matching people’s searches to site offerings.

    And I’ll reinforce the brilliant premise of your website “turning passion into wealth”. When we write with our true passion in mind, we are inspired – we are naturally more clear. More convincing and more compelling in our delivery. That’s what quality content looks like in my opinion. Google recognises that quality content and connects people/audiences to it based on relevant, shared interests.

    I’m so glad I read this piece today, Dedo. If I’ve missed anything or misinterpreted your meaning in any way let me know!

    Thanks again!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this information on optimisation. SEO optimisation is a critical issue to understand and apply correctly.

    There are many helpful ideas here to improve results from one’s online efforts.  Having an SEO checklist is extremely important to keep on track with improving online results.

    Relevant content is essential.  Emphasis on value to your audience and client base is the number one priority in building a long term sustainable business.

    I appreciate your information on this. It is beneficial.  Thanks again and all the best.

    • Hi Joseph,

      Thanks for stopping by and reiterating the critical points in SEO optimisation. 

      As my post infers, it’s paramount that anyone who has an interest in propagating information. That they first research their audience as much as possible.

      This is, in essence, the goal of Googles search engine and it’s engineers. Because then, and only then, can they fine-tune precisely what it is people are searching for. I hope this helps Joseph. All the best.



  4. Hi Dedo,

    Indeed, user experience is the top priority and providing exceptional value to them is the prime task.

    I am focused on organic traffic to drive traffic to my website, so your post means a lot to me. I found your post profoundly uplifting & educational, and I can tell you I have taken some great insights from this post.

    Writing for readers, not for SEO is an eye-opener for me, I often forgot this critical aspect and focus too much on SEO elements, going forward I will implement the things I learned from this helpful post.

    I am going to add more questions in my content that people will search for. Your article certainly made me think more on the subject. I really enjoyed the content and in the manner that you presented.

    • Hi Paul,

      I’m so glad you found my article to your liking. The value these ideas present once initiated is beyond price, and I know, (reading your comment), you’re aware of this.

      Make sure you keep coming back to learn new “perspectives”. 

      As you might be aware, the brain becomes bored with familiar routines. So it’s in your best interest to make sure you introduce new elements to your site continually. 

      And when you do, your clients/readers will appreciate you more and more. All the best Paul.



  5. I’m trying to learn all I can about SEO and this article was a big help in that direction. As SEO is a difficult subject to learn successfully, this article simplified it enough that I was able to learn more than with most tutorials I’ve read.

    I think the most important part of the article, at least to me, was the information about listening to your readers. I’ve been told this over and over but it was made a lot clearer in this article.     

    Being as how listening to the readers is so important how much weight should be given to the nuts and bolts of SE? I know there is a lot more to SEO than listening to the readers but I imagine the rest of it is relatively easy to grasp once you get the important part down.

    It was apparent that you have a lot of knowledge about the subject and it showed as the article was well written and logical. 

    I thank you for simplifying the subject so even I could grasp it. The way it was laid out made it easy to follow. I’ll print this out and keep it handy so that when I get sidetracked I can go back and get straightened out. I think that now that I have the important part learned the rest shouldn’t be that hard to figure out.  


    • Hello Don,

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment. And I’m happy the article has empowered you so.

      In answering your query about the weight of SEO strategies. I would suggest (as I did in the article), that you use the checklists for profiling your clients/customers first. And then putting the relevant strategies to use, (only to help search engines “match” you and your readers… your readers being the top priority.

      This is “in essence” how Google’s A.I machine works. (Keep in mind, the Google “search” facility has to scour billions of pages every day. So making your information as relevant as possible is paramount.

      All the best Don, and make sure you keep coming back to enhance your already extensive knowledge.



  6. Dedo,

      I was amazed as to how much more there was inside your post.  I thought I knew SEO and how to get the ‘best’ results.  I WAS ONLY PARTIALLY CORRECT.  After reading your suggestion to search Google for ‘list of top SEO tasks’; I did.   Not to make adjustments.

    Your in-depth article and the Google search gave me a much better insight into SEO and where I have been weak.  I have been great at engaging with my readers and with my documented content but have been lacking in so many other areas.

     A Facebook group related to my website, Quora, other social media, and embedding relevant YouTube or self-made videos would be additional help in engagement and gaining a more significant following.  Word of mouth was working but is very slow.

    Your site has been bookmarked, and I SHALL RETURN.
    Thanks and Blessings,

    • Hi Leo,

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving such an in-depth comment. 

      To help you, even more, I’d suggest you always keep in mind the people you’re communicating with. The reasoning behind my suggestion is because Google is continually improving its algorithm to do exactly that.

      So it makes sense to keep ahead of AI’s learning curve, (if you can). I hope this helps Leo all the best.



      P.S: AI = Artificial Intelligence.


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