What is an Email Sequence? – “Do it the Right Way”

Perfection – And the ideal sequencing of email campaigns

Have you ever looked at nature and wondered how perfect it is?

Everything works the way it’s supposed to do. It’s almost like there is a superior intellect guiding things behind the scenes. Some would say it’s “Godlike”.


I remember watching my son being born and being fascinated at the splendour of it all — the process of meeting with my wife, consummating the marriage, and initiating the whole spectacular affair.

There is a whole sequence going on, although I was completely unaware of it at the time. It just seemed so natural, and it worked.

Devil & Details

When you read that word backwards, it spells “Lived“, and I do wonder if we were to take more notice of the details. The everyday events, and how they occur. We would appreciate the journey a whole lot more.

But most people rush through their lives missing anything relevant and are constantly distracted by the bells and whistles of the circus.

Bell and whistles

Think of the sequence of events that lead you here?

And think of the distractions that are pulling you away from reading this sentence as we speak.

When formulating your particular email campaign/sequence, you would be wise to examine all the variables involved when someone reads your words (all the details).

First Step

Create value for your reader in setting up some space on the internet, and filling that space with ideas that can solve their problems. If you’re reading this post, I’ll assume you’ve already reached that stage. And you can click here to find out how, if you haven’t.

If you go to the mission part of this site, you’ll discover the vision I’ve clearly outlined there. And as the year’s march on, the concept will soon match up with reality.

Your success going forward is dependant on these steps. Everyone visiting your site will arrive there searching for a solution to their problems. And if you are unable to provide the help needed, they will click off! 

opening doors

It’s an ever-evolving process, and should not be overlooked. Because the people that are taking the time to read, listen or watch what you have on offer are going to become your trusted friends.

So to reiterate;

First, you have to make a lot of friends who trust you, implicitly. And the best way to accomplish this online is to connect with them through a myriad of venues. Through social media, forums and specialised sites to show them the way to your site. Which, of course, will solve any problem that requires remedy.

Second Step

Learn what problems exist in the minds of your readers. For example, if you want to learn about how to sequence emails. It tells me you are in the learning phase and need to know the “best” way to go forward.

The name of this site is streamofmoney.com, so I’m guessing you are interested in creating more revenue streams.

If you’re a tyre kicker, you’ve already clicked your way on to the next distraction. If you’re still here, then I’m on the right track, and I know you’re serious about learning.

Always keep in mind that your readers are individuals, and although they have similar concerns, they aren’t all the same.

What I mean by this is:

Imagine lining up ten people with the same problem. They would have to find a solution in slightly different ways based on their unique perceptions. (their way of perceiving the world around them), e.g., We all want our cars washed?  Think about how some would want the dust cleaned out of the air valve, and some wouldn’t give a s&*t.

Third Step

The third step is where you can take things to the next level (and I mean to the stars). That level is the process of sharing or networking.

When you have completed the first two steps successfully, this one will become so natural; it will be like meeting an old friend (no effort). By this stage, you and your readers have built a trusting and lasting relationship. And both you and they will be able to share resources and contacts forever.


You may be thinking, “yes, okay Dedo, but first, give me the sequence that I’m going to write the emails, and I  want to know in what order to fire them out. And my reply will be: It’ll be much harder for you to succeed if you’re not willing to learn the causes of your successes and failures.

What I’m providing here for you, are principles that have worked in days gone past. And of course for the future. They’re not fancy ideas that will go out of fashion when the next trend comes floating by. So, slow down

Learn the principles in any endeavour you undertake, and life will become so much more enjoyable and less stressful, I guarantee it!

Tips, Tactics and Strategies.

If you scour the internet for ways to better outcompete the shark-infested waters, you’ll find endless advice on how to accomplish this. Be it 101 tips on the best e-mail strategies your competition has never heard of.

Or episodes from Sun Tzu’s art of war, and many other rehashes from the literature of the past.

The thing is if you take a bit of time and look around. You’ll notice how frantic the majority of people seem to be. I’d wager that when you were tiny, you lived a life in slow motion (compared to those around you). It seems to become more complicated when we get older (to slow down). Maybe because people get stuck in “their” ways, they become “stayed”. You’ve heard the old expression *you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

Learn new habits is what I’m suggesting. Some call them patterns because we tend to repeat them.

When you discover the patterns of behaviour of those around you, that want your help, it can be extremely gratifying to accommodate those needs.


Think of it this way. When you go out in the morning or evening, approach a stranger and gauge how long it takes to help them feel at ease with your presence. Depending on your approach, you’ll find quite the difference in the time it takes.

Now, this is worth taking note of because it’s way more difficult when you haven’t met with them face to face. To build trust is an ongoing process. And should never be taken for granted, (as some do in their relationships). I’ve noticed how people are in a hurry to “earn” money online but are unwilling to take the time that is required to build lasting associations.

Take your time and get it right, and have fun on the way.


All the Best

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4 thoughts on “What is an Email Sequence? – “Do it the Right Way””

  1. Wow, email sequencing great topic here. If you think about it, email campaigns are a lot like nature, so I appreciate your analogy. Lived backwards, very interesting. I agree that creating value is most important. Content can be one of the biggest things to consider not only in affiliate marketing but also in email campaigning. Sequencing being like observing a stranger’s comfortability is brilliant. I’ll save your post, and I’m looking forward to seeing more. 

  2. Your article was timely, as I feel I need to set up some email program.  I like your approach, as it tells us what we need to do before we start on an email sequence.

    I think I understand that you are saying we should first build trust, then search for what problems people are trying to solve.  We can get them on an email list based on this information.

    Do you recommend a specific form to use to collect email addresses?

    • Hi Fran,

      I’m glad the article was timely for you. And don’t take my advice as sacrosanct, some principles may work in a future time we’re unaware of as yet.

      Do you trust your friends, and if so, how was the process initiated? These are the principles I address, and of course, we can embellish them with all kinds of “stories/meanings”.

      To persuade a friend to walk a similar path to you is to know the alternative route may cause them harm. As you’re aware Fran, to know, a thing is better than having an “opinion”.

      And last but not least. It’s not a good idea to “collect” emails. I’d much rather people line up and request a way of keeping in touch. I hope this answers your question, Fran. If not, don’t hesitate to continue our conversation.




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