Can I make a lot of Money Online?

Most people want to make a lot of money online so they can enjoy the fruits of their labour (fast cars, jets, yachts, big houses), and the list goes on. To make money for the sake of having digits in your account is quaint, but there’s always a chance of the monetary system tanking (like in zimbabwe).


If you want to make lots of “sustainable” money either online or offline, you’d be better to find a way that creates an avalanche of excited customers to your door. And the very best way to do this is to discover the wants of “your particular” customer. Find a niche that you’re passionate about and begin the journey to making lots of money online for the rest of your life (regardless of the state of the economy in your country).

Note: Money is only a token of perceived value, and shouldn’t be confused with “real” wealth.

Walk before you run (or you’ll trip over)

You will make a lot of money online, but only if you’re persistent with your goals and ambitions. The majority of folk start with good intentions, but after about six months to a year, they begin to flounder. (The tortoise and hare fable tells the truth for those in a hurry)

Warning: Don’t, and I repeat “Never” get tempted by the Get Rich Quick hype that is skillfully marketed on the internet, (You’ll waste a lot of time and money). But as always, it’s entirely up to you. Some times the school of hard knocks has its merits.

Mountains of Wisdom

Having reached this page, you’ll discover a mountain of information to help build a successful life online. But as I keep saying, ” Slowly slowly catchy monkey“. Take your time and read through the pages methodically,(they’re coded and build upon one another).

If you’re in a hurry, it means you’re desperate and need some quick cash. And if that’s you I’m talking about; You’re a prime target for the tricksters out there who take great pleasure reeling you all the way in with promises of turn-key riches etc. (DON’T BE SCAMMED)!

There are a multitude of intelligent people wanting to make money online but are unaware of the high level of sophistication these marketers have acquired for the sole purpose of extracting money from your wallet. So be warned.

Building your Brand

Firstly, if you’re starting, you’ll want to create a “presence” online. This, in effect, will become the “Brand” you’ll be promoting.

Note: Cattle ranchers brand their livestock so they can distinguish them from animals owned by others. (Disclaimer: I’m not suggesting your customers are animals) 


People who become branded are loyal to that particular product or service for whatever reason. And they usually stay with that company for the rest of their lives. This is what you want to achieve with your online “presence”.

So play the long game, have fun, discover your true calling and share it with the rest of the world (there’s a lot of people out there waiting and searching for you). All you have to do is make an appearance and share your skills and know-how. is a place you can come to and discover new tested ways not only to out-think your competition but also create a multitude of techniques to facilitate your journey in being the best you can be.

Retire in 24 months – No matter your age!

You may think if it was that simple everyone would do it. And I’m not saying it’s “easy”, but it’s possible with a lot of dedication and the right know-how. Lucky for you, I’m going to show you how (when you read through, and provide you with the right tools you need to accelerate your journey going forward.

You’ll need a website to promote your brand, and if you click here, I’ll show you how. Or failing that, go to the place where I started to learn about building websites and how to market them. The link I’m providing will take you to Wealthy Affiliate, where I’ll be notified to coach/guide you through the process. Just take your time and decide if it’s right for you, (remember, “two yrs”).

Note: Click Here for an explanation on affiliate marketing


As with everything on There is never any obligation to cross my palm with silver. But as you gain traction through the process, I’m here to guide you in making the best decisions possible. And if you find a tool or resource that I’ve overlooked, you can “help” me ; ), and steer me in your direction. I’ve never been shy when it comes to investing in myself (learning new things is such a great buzz)! Here’s a list of some of the things you will learn:

  • How to build your website for FREE
  • Learn how to write articles on your site
  • Why most people never get off the ground trying to start their brand/business
  • How to sell products online and the best ones to market
  • Overcome anxiety paralysis (overwhelm)
  • Learn the best SEO strategies (Search Engine Optimisation)
  • How much commission you can earn as an affiliate
  • Learn how to increase your confidence and become unstoppable.

The list above is just icing on the cake; the cake is where all the power lives and the best part is “I’m going to be holding your hand, all the way to the top”!…

Yes You Can – If You Want it

There you have it, another concise article to immerse yourself in. And keep in mind, most of the links are internal, (meaning they lead to other pages on So make sure you come back and absorb this information until it forms a knowledge base from which to explode into action.

If there are any particular subjects you need clarifying, make sure you leave a comment below, and as always, I’ll make it my priority to steer you in the right direction. You can only progress as far as your knowledge base. So increase it here on And remember, make sure not to be too greedy, pace yourself (you’ve got two years).


All the Best


This post contains affiliate links.

So, only click if you want in !

8 thoughts on “Can I make a lot of Money Online?”

  1. Hi Dedo,
    The reading of your article is very accurate and realistic. To earn money online, you will need to train and take action as you go along.

     As you explain, it will not be easy or fast, to say otherwise is a big lie.

    If the sale is something you are interested in, I will not hesitate to be a member of Wealthy Affiliate. Platform specialised in “affiliate marketing” that will help you create your own online business by choosing the niche you feel most identified. Thank you!

    • Hi Claudio,

      Thanks for your comment. As always I appreciate any feedback on my articles (To discern relevant comments is how the site improves)

      Make sure you keep coming back and learning new ways to proceed with your business Claudio. Hoping for your speedy success into the future. And if you need any help, you know where to contact me ““.



  2. Thank you for providing a realistic assessment of how to make money online. I believe you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned an investment of time and effort of 2 years. 

    The focus on branding and customers is a great strategy as people buy from whom they trust, and branding is about creating that trusted name.

    I agree that scammers prey on those that are desperate, sadly many fall for these Get Rich Quick schemes promising you will make tens of thousands or even millions overnight. Many lost their money, ending up with useless products and have no business at all. Better to build a real online business with tools and education which you can then scale into the future.

    You provided a path through affiliate marketing and Wealthy Affiliate, and I think it’s worth checking out!

    • Hi Stanley,

      Thanks for stopping by and taking an interest in “Can I make a lot of money online”. As you’re aware, the concise nature of my presentation is to allow the information to take hold (drip feed). A form of osmosis!

      When you delve deeper into, you’ll find many ways to improve your current position. So I hope to see you again Stanley.



  3. Thanks for this useful and interesting article about making a lot of money online. I agree with you that it takes some time to build a brand and make money online.

    Patience and hard work are necessary, in my opinion. I think it usually takes a few months to start making money with a new website. I don’t think two years is enough to be able to retire but maybe enough to quit 9 to 5 job. What do you think?

    • Hi Kristof,

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting (I appreciate it).

      Regarding your question about the two years until retirement. If you think it’s enough time to “just” quit your 9 to 5 “job”, then you’re right!. I’m not here to question your ability or commitment, (that’s your job ; )

      Make sure you read through, and you’ll find out why I  wrote the specific words above.

      All the best for your future success Kristof, and see you soon.



  4. This is the best I’ve seen In a long time; it’s scarce to find sensible content like this online these days. A lot of money can indeed be made by doing business online, but it’s only a few people with integrity realistic with, its because they had the right and proper orientation about online dealings and they dedicated time and resources to get there. The mindset of making money quickly online is what drives them into the hands of scammers. 

    This article will enlighten people, and it’ll sensitise them about the mindset to have towards making money online. I’ve gained a lot just by reading through this article; I’ll share it with some others so they’ll benefit. Thanks.

    • Thanks, Manny, for your comment.

      I do love it when articles I’ve written have this impact. I intend to guide “real” entrepreneurs, so they never waste their time, doing pointless tasks.

      It’s great to make your own mistakes through life, but to have “pointers” allows for differing perspectives. Make sure you come back and share your progress. I’d love to know how you get on.




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